Saturday, October 6, 2012

How to become an SAP Certified Professional? – [PART 1] [target audience: for professionals & students in India]

SAP AG, Established 1972 at Walldorf, Germany 
                 SAP is has been for a while one of the most sought after career paths in India and across the world; offering a wide range of jobs for IT professionals and other professionals with domain expertise like sales, finance, human resources, marketing, etc.  So if you are searching for information about SAP or want to decide whether SAP could be a career for you, then these questions might help. I hope to discuss each of these questions in detail and hence will handle one question for each post.
 Ask yourself:
  1. What is SAP?
  2. Do SAP Courses have good value?
  3. Where will I fit in SAP?
  4. How can I learn or choose my SAP Course?
  5. How do I take up the Certification Exam?
  6. How can I get a new job offer after my SAP Course?
1. What is SAP?
              SAP AG, is the company behind SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in data processing) and the numerous business solutions it offers. A business solution is/can be software that is used by organizations to perform/monitor their business activities; like creating/sending a purchase order for raw materials to the supplier, or creating/sending an invoice to the customer for the goods he/she purchased, or planning & scheduling production, maintaining customer data, material data and much more. And all these business data and functions are integrated onto a centralized database thus providing businesses with higher efficiency and more profit.
Integrates all business functions onto a centralized Database
SAP AG is the best among the companies that build software/solutions for these kinds of business activities. Few products that SAP AG offers are: